Meet Lori

Offering WNY Classical Homeopathic Services and Consultations

Offering Western NY homeopathic consultations with offices in Buffalo and North Collins. Skype consultations available.

Lori FranciscoLori Francisco is a classical homeopathic consultant who became intrigued by homeopathy when she began treatment in 1995 for longstanding sinus problems.  Having given birth just a few months prior, the search began for a natural solution to resolve the sinus issues without affecting her son while nursing.  Lori quickly realized that her sinus issues were clearing up without the use of prescription medications and that homeopathy was a very gentle and effective mode of healing without undesirable side effects. It was that realization that prompted her to explore homeopathy further and pursue it as a career.

Lori began her formal study of homeopathy with the Luminos College of Homeopathy in Bowen Island, Canada in 2006 and continued on to graduate in 2016 from the Baylight Center for Homeopathy in Portland, Maine.  Her training continued under the direction of Sally Williams, RSHom, CCH, HMC.  Her  education is always evolving as she takes any opportunity to study with world-renowned homeopaths Jan Scholten, Louis Klein and Jeremy Sherr to learn the latest developments in homeopathy.  

Lori had the privilege of traveling to Panama in 2012 to participate in the Panama Orchid Project and again in 2016 for additional plant family provings.  During the 2016 trip, she supervised the proving of Zephyranthes rosea and authored an article summarizing the findings that was published  in Homeopathic Links, an international journal, (June 2017).  She is a long-time member of the National Center for Homeopathy. 

Lori has an ongoing interest in healthy living, organic gardening, and a general appreciation for nature.  In addition to practicing homeopathy, she enjoys skiing, biking, kayaking and hiking.


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Lori Francisco is offering homeopathy consultations to Buffalo & Western New York.
Email us below or call (716) 886-2200 or (716) 432-3551 to schedule a consultation.

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